“…let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:1-2)
When we choose Jesus, we choose to run the kind of race that makes the Iron Man look like a walk in the park. We tie up our sneakers, blast “Eye of the Tiger,” and start running… but we literally have no idea what sort of race we are about to run.
As we begin this mega-marathon, we quickly discover that it requires more than we can offer. We feel immediate exhaustion. We can’t shake the feeling that we are lagging behind. We encounter unexpected and completely devastating losses. We watch as other runners stop and walk off the track. At some points, we look around and feel completely alone. Our legs shaking and our hearts pounding, we stop.
This faith race is wearing us down already. Condemnation haunts us. Anxiety and fear weaken us. Disappointments and failures drain us. Confusion blinds us. Humility knocks us down. Hopelessness hangs like a weight around our necks. This marathon forces us to give everything we’ve got, and we are tired of giving. Just tired. As we stand there, sweat dripping down our necks, we start to ask the make-or-break question: “Is is worth it?”
Suddenly, we look to the sidelines and see saints upon saints calling out to us, spurring us on. We turn and see hundreds of weary runners clinging to each other, trudging, limping, dragging onward. Others are screaming out in an adrenaline rage that lurches them to the front lines. Anguish is carved into their faces, but they grit their teeth and keep moving.
As we watch the citizens of heaven march forward, there is a sound in the distance that gets louder. Amidst the breath of broken and wearied runners, we can hear the sweet call of our King: “You can do it. You’re gonna make it. I’m here! Just a little while longer!”
Endurance, friends. That’s what it’s all about. We fight to finish the race set before us. The Father is the voice that moves us, the Son is the finisher that saves us, and the Spirit is the fire in our veins that drives us. When we do finish, we won’t look pretty; this race will cost us everything, because it cost Him everything…but it will be worth it.
I know I’m young. I’ve barely covered the first lap, but sometimes I feel like I can’t go on. This faith journey is one of questions, confusion, difficulty, persecution, and suffering beyond what I thought possible. So don’t patronize me or look down on me. Help me, encourage me, lift me to my feet. I can’t make it alone, and you can’t either. We need each other. We need to remind each other that the One who ran the race before us is waiting. More than anything, He longs for us to cross the finish line and collapse into His arms. And boy, will we collapse.
I often wonder at the Father’s words: “Well done, good and faithful servant.” At the end of this race, when I stand before him sweating, dirty, aching, and spent…will he really look at my shabby, slow-paced, unimpressive marathon and call me faithful? I hope so. God, I hope so.