
I was writing an e-mail to a friend when these words spilled out onto my screen:

“When our day to day becomes so mundane, lifeless, and painful, how incredible it is to look back on His faithfulness and how He loved, sustained, and cared for us then… and He won’t ever stop.”

He won’t ever stop.

Sometimes, I think we believe He should stop.

We are so conditioned into believing that we have to earn everything.  My protestant work ethic kicks in daily and believing that nothing comes for free is eternally seared into my being.  If I haven’t worked for it, why should I have it?  If I haven’t perfected myself into deserving it, then I shouldn’t be given it.

I know I’m preaching to the choir.  Generations upon generations have revisited this need to earn, so when God offers the unconditionality of Himself to us, I believe we have a tendency to panic.  We don’t deserve it.  It’s too good to be true.  His love is so piercing, pure, and profound, and we can’t stop it.  No matter how reckless we are, we can’t end this constant outpour of grace and goodness, and this can overwhelm the soul a little… or a lot.

The tenacity of God is one of my favorite things about Him.  He goes after us, and He goes hard.  He pours Himself out, and He doesn’t hold back from us.  He gave it all, and He keeps giving it all to us.  It doesn’t makes sense, and that’s the best part.

When we are caught up in that vicious cycle of condemnation, feeling helpless to stop ourselves from breaking the Father’s heart, let’s rest in the reality that He won’t ever stop pursuing, loving, and wholly giving Himself to us.

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